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Agrupació Electros XY

Aportacions ciutadanes


An initiative is a proposal that can be promoted by anyone on their own initiative (independently of other channels or participation spaces) through the collection of (digital) signatures for the organization to carry out a specific action (modify a regulation, initiate a project, change the name of a department or a street, etc.).

The promoters of an initiative can define its objectives, gather support, debate, disseminate it and define meeting points where signatures can be collected from the attendees or debates open to other participants.

Examples: An initiative can collect signatures to convene a consultation among all the people of an organization, or to create or convene an assembly, or to initiate a process of budget increase for a territory or area of the organization. During the process of collecting signatures, more people can add to this demand and carry it forward in the organization.

Agrupació Electros XY

Integer aliquet mauris in lacus imperdiet, quis vestibulum tortor fermentum. Sed pretium diam at semper lobortis. Duis sed porta enim. Sed vitae congue dolor. Aenean condimentum elit libero, eu rutrum nisi aliquet eu. Nulla facilisi. Praesent accumsan, felis nec dignissim aliquet, diam mauris sodales nisl, vehicula semper felis metus bibendum eros. Proin vulputate, lectus eu eleifend aliquet, felis erat viverra massa, non rutrum leo ligula at nisi. Vestibulum et faucibus lectus, eu malesuada dolor. Duis varius magna id libero lacinia, eu vehicula est volutpat. Curabitur in fermentum metus. Donec libero nisi, pharetra semper sem non, iaculis auctor libero. Nulla vel lectus nec ipsum finibus mattis. Sed nisl est, accumsan vitae aliquam non, pretium non magna. Etiam consequat enim vel laoreet commodo.

Manifest de l'agrupació d'electors XY
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